" Taking the time to heal with Radhaa at Goddess Code Academy is like building your temple, where your body, mind, emotions & spirit reside. "
- Lawrence
Hello Goddess Radhaa, I just got back from mediation, and I have to say it was a super-duper healing experience. Your words, guidance, and healing helped me. I kept envisioning myself as a divine mother and mother bear, ready to put the tantrums to a stop. I took the train to the courthouse and meditated. By the time I walked into the building, I had the security guards thanking me and smiling at me; I had a guy change his path and follow me up the escalator trying to get my number. The goddess energy was intense! I walked into the room and hardly noticed my ex sitting there, and once I did, I could feel that he recognized my presence. I sat in front of him and read my book with joy, unlike the last time when I stood outside, fidgeting with nervous energy.
I didn't feel scared of him anymore! We were blessed with a fantastic mediator that called forth the truth. She helped him see that his tantrum was a waste of time and stress on everybody. When we walked out, I took a chance to apologize for any hurt, and then we went into an intense and good conversation. We realized that we are more on the same page than not. Both of our energies shifted. Where we were both prideful and defensive, we opened up. I feel that after all these years, our drama cycle is done. Our energy has shifted. That spiritual divorce is no joke.
I feel like now we can focus on our son and work as a team for him. In no way whatsoever do I feel that he has any manipulation over me or the situation. This all did happen from my work with Radhaa and our coaching/ healing sessions together. I can only see more healing coming from it. This is what I've wanted for so long!!!! Thank you so much for being there for me even at the last minute before the court and providing the support at the perfect time. I know it is my calling to help other women going through this type of experience, and I will be singing your praises. Thank you again, and I can't want to work with you more on the 'father wound' in the next program. I was blown away by the simple yet profound connection that you came to concerning my father and my relationships. I love that you helped me go even deeper into healing, something that has been with me for most of my life.
Sending you massive love and gratitude, Disa, Los Angeles
I had a session with Radhaa Nilia last week and was so blown away. So much fantastic healing, insight, and growth. I recommend for every human ever! It will be even better than you think! Tracy Gadget, Canada
Wow, Radhaa is a gifted theta healer and coach! My biggest block has been around, not acknowledging and thus fully healing my inner child. She was able to tap into that, and she was able to notice that and help me open up more fully to releasing and healing areas that I had been unaware of. Only healers with a very high vibration can affect my energy, and she is of that caliber. She is a woman of very generous spirit who I am so grateful for shared her remarkable gifts with me. - Dana Kalin Narayanappa, Arizona
I just had an excellent theta healing session with Radhaa. She has such a calming and nurturing presence, and through her thoughtful questions was able to help me get to the root of my issue. Once there, she used her ability to remove any blocks I had in that area. Following my session with Radhaa, I felt this immediate sense of peace and calm and a renewed sense of hope and confidence in my creativity and abilities. Thank you, Radhaa, for your time and energy. - Jessica Millet Arnett, Idaho
Here is the review I wrote after my incredible session with Radhaa a couple of weeks ago. She is truly a goddess, and I keep evolving since the course of our sessions. We are blessed to be able to experience her healing and love, don't hesitate to move forward with Radhaa. She's the real deal. "Oh my goodness, I just birthed my cosmic self with Radhaa today. The experience was magical, playful, the rainbow's colors, glitter, gold, and gorgeous. She was loving, knowing, wise, a warm and natural guide, and I feel blessed and forever transformed. The drawings I do today, a day we've been long awaiting, will be dedicated to Radhaa and her divine gifts. Don't wait to experience Radhaa, golden goddess of love and light. She is simply divine and miraculous. - Val Cripps aka Valtopia, Marina Del Rey, CA
I have had the privilege of working with Radhaa over the last couple of months, which is remarkable. I was very new to spiritual healing and guidance, and at first, I was a bit skeptical about how everything worked. Radhaa is one of the most inspirational and thoughtful people I have ever met, and I have found a new sense of joy and happiness in my life, thanks to her help and healing. Radhaa is a genuinely professional, yet you can feel how much she cares for you, over the phone during a distance coaching and healing session. I have learned so much about myself throughout this fantastic journey, and with Radhaa's help, I've been able to identify areas in all aspects of my life that needed to be cleared of old shock and traumas. Radhaa listens to your needs very carefully, and her guidance has been instrumental in my life. I recommend Radhaa and Goddess Code Academy to my friends and family all the time! It has been a real honor working with such a gifted healer. - Stacey Wilson, Orange County, CA
Radhaa is AMAZING! I had an ex-boyfriend that was not good for me, but I kept going back to him. Radhaa was able to give me my life energy source back, and after our session, I had no desire to communicate with him. This has never happened before. Radhaa was so helpful and caring. I could tell she was concerned about my well being. She even called me the following day to check up on me. That was not expected. You can tell she wants to help people, and that is so rare to find these days. - Ursala, Woodland Hills, CA
I cannot say enough about Radhaa. She is the real deal! She listens to your needs and then diligently starts working to clear away the blocks holding you back. I've seen Radhaa multiple times, and I always walk away feeling calm, centered, and transformed. I've seen my relationships improve, and I reconnected with myself on a deep, spiritual level. I cannot recommend Goddess Code Academy highly enough. Take my advice, book your appointment.
- Meg S, San Fransisco, CA
This was the best experience and investment working with Radhaa! Her voice is very calming, and she's extremely knowledgeable about the removal of negative spiritual blocks. The past couple of months have been a little off for me, and as soon as we started talking, she knew exactly what was going on and how to fix it. She's exceptionally intuitive and can connect with the higher spiritual realm to help remove the negative blocks. After our session, I felt extremely grounded, mentally, and spiritually. Also, she gave me excellent useful advice on how to keep my self focus spiritually and mentally. I would recommend her to all my friends and family because you' can feel her positive energy and how much she cares and want to help you. If you approach her with truthfulness, an open heart, and mind, you'll experience something amazing.
- James Thomas, Hollywood, CA
Radhaa is an incredibly gifted healer, activator, and lightworker. My goddess activation session with her was so deeply powerful, it's hard to put into words the impact that it has had on my soul and my being. I absolutely feel a change, to my core, due to the intense work we did clearing out some karmic energy and releasing limiting beliefs. That change is an incredibly liberating feeling and I literally felt relief and joy wash over me. I'm so grateful for this experience. Over two months later, I'm still feeling the benefits of the session, on a spiritual and soul level, as well as a physical level. As a result, since our session I've continued my daily meditation, journal, and mudra practice that Radhaa shared with me, which has been so grounding. I've meditated regularly before, but this time I felt a significant shift that was deep and lasting. She sent a wonderful follow up with key take aways and things to focus on which was greatly appreciated. I'm so eternally grateful for the life-changing lessons, spiritual skills, karmic clearing, and connection that I experienced in this 90 min session. I definitely am excited for future sessions as I believe that the work continues and deepens with divine timing. If you're looking for an activation and feel compelled to work with Radhaa, I 100% recommend working with her - it's a true gift and blessing.
I wanted to share my experience with my Goddess Activation session with Radhaa Nilia. I just knew something wasn't whole in me after this last break up. I didn't feel as exuberant or as sensually embodied as I used to. I used to own it. I used to feel my own feminine sexual energy, and I feel like that is such a part of me. I wanted it back and I tried to tap into more of my feminine energy, and get my groove back, as they say. I had forgotten what playfulness was, that energy that infuses your whole being, or at least that's how I used to feel. So, Goddess Lalita was a perfect archetype to help me return to that essence. Lalita embodies playfulness and she can infuse us with a very playful energy. I just knew that yes, that's how I used to be. I used to have this fun and creativity related to my sexuality.
So, the session itself started with an emotional clearing, and that was incredible. It was so much more than I even knew I needed to release. Radhaa was just so intuitive in seeing and knowing just what I needed to release. She was describing what emotions were stuck in me, maybe 20 of them, and every single word that she said was just like pulling a dagger out of my soul.
I needed to release things that I didn't even realize I had. As soon as Radhaa said the words, I would break down crying because I could feel that each one of those words were in me. I needed to cry. It was painful when she said the word failure. I had done a lot of processing on my own. I'm a practitioner as well of a different modality. Still, I had not tapped into what Radhaa tapped into when she was working with me.
As far as what was needed to be released emotionally, I hadn't even been aware of the feeling of failure. Recently I had ended a relationship that I was extremely invested in. I personally felt that it was meant to be. And that we could do this together. I manifested this man. And shockingly, it ended. Part of me was left feeling this intense failure. In a way, I felt like I had failed our destiny.
Surprisingly, I'm completely free from that feeling of failure after seeing Radhaa. Along with the other 19 out of the 20 stuck emotions and baggage that she had identified, it just came pouring out of me.
I don't even cry that easily. So, all of these tears were just pouring out of me. I could feel the heaviness in my heart chakra releasing. Radhaa expressed the words that I was feeling before I could even say anything. “We need to work on your heart chakra, or we need to work on your third eye.” All of this clearing was done even before she called in the Goddess Lalita. Radhaa saw and sensed these very specific emotions that I needed to heal and needed to release. So once all of that intense and powerful energy was released, she invoked the Goddess.
I know that it's real, it works. It’s amazing. She invoked Goddess Lalita, and you know, I felt her presence. Goddess Lalita was giving rise to the visions of what I needed and what she wanted to offer me. She was beautiful, just beautiful energy, and I still feel her with me. It's been two days. I have meditations. I'm doing it every day now. Just a short little connection with the Goddess. Then for follow up, Radhaa gave me a mudra and a mantra, and I have some kind of little ritualistic ways to connect with the Goddess. It was lovely to do this mudra which she gave me, and for feeling this sweet surrender, I am adding this to my meditation.
What I have felt is a huge emotional release. The release was very very specific and very very deep. You can’t imagine what Radhaa took me through. Telling me things that I needed to know. I needed to see those explanations and some of them involved past lives. I could see the past life as well that's never happened before. I've had those kinds of clairvoyant experiences in dreams, like visions that were real. But that's never happened to me in a waking state, where I could see the vision. And it was the same vision that Radhaa was seeing. So when she was in the session with me, and those visions were coming through from both of us, it was incredibly healing.
You know, the pain that I have had from this specific relationship was deep. Yet, I knew that I needed to have peace with it, to let it go, to finally and completely let it go. Have peace with it. I needed to come to terms with everything. This very specific knowledge being shared by Radhaa gave me the visions. So, all of that, took place during the session.
Now fast forward, after the session, I felt a huge emotional release in my body. The body pain is often emotional toxicity stored in our muscles, and it is just the way it comes down during stressful moments. You can never underestimate how much pain that was, it was so bad. I was getting headaches. I had really, really painful spots in my upper back, especially the kind that wouldn't even make me move. I was having so much neck and back pain. All from the emotional toxicity which I already knew. I had a four-day headache. I came to Radhaa because I knew I needed cleansing; emotional cleansing, missionary clearing, and I want to get my mojo back in that way.
And yes, I immediately felt all of that is being released in my heart chakra. That night, my body pains, neck pain dissipated. I slept like nine hours, and I've never slept that long. I usually even have trouble getting six or seven hours of sleep, but I didn't know I needed that. I just slept so hard, and I had amazing dreams. I have not slept that much since probably my 20’s. When I woke up, the very next day, much of the neck pain and back pain had released. I felt so much better. I was able to move, I had a lot more mobility, and it was like my out of body parts were popping into place. The popping back to its place happened a few times. I was tension free.
I'm almost completely pain-free now, and in remembering how I had felt oncet, it was so bad. Before, even when I sneeze, it hurts. And so the healing results were undeniable, you know. Evidence that's real, producing real change! So whenever my body continues to pop into place, every time that happens, it's better, it's much much better. So that's just blowing me away. But as far as the emotional part, I have let go of that attachment, you know. I've come to peace with ending that relationship completely. Just that, is an incredible gift because this was an intense, very significant relationship. It was a brutal breakup, as we had a lot of karma.
The Goddess helps me review that karma to see our past lives, and our cords that bind our connection. Everything in it, in the light of pureness, it was beautiful, just beautiful and it allowed me to come to peace and come to terms with everything. So that was an incredible gift, the physical recovery. And then, of course, the Goddess energy that was infused in me with Lalita, through Radhaa, I feel her, I feel some of that energy with me now. I feel like I am more in touch with my femininity and feminine powers. I feel more playful and I feel like I have more experiences that come lately to me, that’s just hilarious and fun.
What took place felt like it was just for me. But, it was not even just for me. I mean, it's beautiful to share it and to feel playful with other people, but even just in my head, I almost feel like oh my God, that's Lalita-like she put that thought in my head or that idea or she'll have some little response to something I'm thinking and I'm like, oh, what was that? But it's just so fun.
Goddess Lalita in me, experienced feminine power and that is much fun. She's just so fun and playful, and she has so much joy, and I feel like it goes way beyond sexuality, but it's such a gift, and I feel it, I feel like it's with me every day.
Powerful results. Lalita essence and energy enriches my life. It's only been two days, but I swear, I worked yesterday and at work, my approach to work is more joyful. I feel more confident with my job, and really feel like owning everything I do. I'm owning this task, I feel like I'm in a state of flow with it, like, I don't hesitate or have doubt or have a lack of confidence about it. It just flows, and I feel like Yeah, I got this, you know, this is yes, it's not even like, an ego thing, it's just because what I'm applying myself to is I care about doing good work.
Helping be a good one in whatever it is I do; a good employee, a good friend, whatever it is, I just feel like giving like a better mom. Actually, I feel like I'm being more playful with my kids, I'm being funny, like, they're enjoying me, they're enjoying my humor, and I can relate to them better because I'm more playful. I'm more free and I'm more relaxed. I have so much joy and that's so good for them because they are kids, you know. They do feed off our energy and mirror our energy. So that is an additional benefit that I didn't even think would be in the equation, but this session has just absolutely blown me away. I've had other really good work with other really good healers before and, you know, no stranger to energy psychology and the healing arts, but Radhaa just absolutely blew me away with her heart and her energy that is so loving. She cares so deeply, and she's so in tune.
I'm so grateful and honored to know her, and I'm looking forward to doing the meditations and the practice. I am committed to this practice to continue being in this path of expansion, growth and evolution. I encourage you to experience a Goddess Activation with Radhaa. If you are considering taking that step, it is so worth it. Years of therapy, probably in one session. I mean, if you could ever get to that level of healing through talk therapy, and I don't know if you ever could be, even if it's under the best circumstances. It's just exponentially effective, and such a beautiful experience, and I'm so grateful to Radhaa. She's just a beautiful, beautiful, generous soul.
Hi, my name is Cristal, and I recently had a Goddess Activation™ session. It was great. I've seen Radhaa’s work with the Goddess Activations™. I’ve been curious about it, but to truly experience it, it's inexplicable. It's hard to put into words. She'll tell you things that it is in tune with you. And the Goddess Powers that she's able to do decode and be in touch with, with these Activations. I mean, even down to this necklace I am wearing, without her seeing it she was talking about it. But it’s so much deeper.
This Goddess Activation and guidance happened at the right time in my life. Right now, I'm experiencing many paradigm shifts. Some old things are burning away that no longer serve me, which is relieving. Some of them have been hurtful or scary. I'm also within all those changes going on. I'm also receiving many good things that I have manifested for a long time coming, but they're all hitting me at once. I've been feeling overwhelmed. I've been feeling self-doubt. My inner child has issues because of my childhood relationships with my mother. This Goddess Activation got in touch with all of those things that have caused fragmentations to my life. That has caused the holes in my aura. When Radhaa called my soul fragments back, there was an absolutely beautiful feeling that came over me.
This has given me a sense of calm, a sense of relief, clarity, newness, and more courage.
Things were forgiven through this Goddess Activation.
Things were healed.
We have our medicine within ourselves. That's something to think about. Alongside all of the things that I've been doing for myself already, this Goddess Activation pushed it along further and sped it up. I know that I have my soul fragments back and now whenever something negative happens, it's not going to affect me like it used to, because I'm home within myself. After all, my soul fragments have been put back together, cleaned up and my inner child is healed some more. Not completely because I think that will still take some more time. But now I have a much better foundation to build on and work with in order to continue my healing journey!
So, if you're a woman like me, on a path of healing and are looking for something that can help jumpstart your journey, or maybe even complete it. Whatever stage you're in healing, a Goddess Activation absolutely helps out. Absolutely.
Radhaa has the right gift, and I am grateful for the compassion and wisdom you bring to my life. You helped me find my center, to rebuild the foundation of my emotional well being. I have suffered from chronic depression, anxiety, and obsessive thoughts most of my life due to my low self-esteem and the trauma I experienced in my childhood. I was never skeptical of Theta healing, but with zero expectations, I was shocked to see that it improved my quality of living even after one session with you. A calm transformation and sense of peace that cannot be ignored or dismissed as coincidence. Your presence is both comforting and dynamic. You have an incredible understanding of this practice's principles and the ability to connect deeply with people and get to the core of their issues. I trust you, as you are a true healer, living your work.
I had the most life-changing sessions with Radhaa! We did a distance healing over the phone and started with a conversation about what I wanted to work on. Radhaa immediately tuned in to some very profound connections and opened my eyes to underlying discussions I didn't consciously realize were there. After that, she did energy work, and I felt the energy in my body shifting. I am so excited to see how things unfold after this session! I highly recommend Radhaa for her powerful healing work!
At this time, Radha was the conduit to hold this sacred space for me through Goddess Laksmi. I am in the state of allowing this magic to take place. I witnessed it. Goddess Laksmi held in her hands a powerful advanced upgrade, the Lemurian Codes. Suddenly out of the ethers, I saw Goddess Laksmi unfold the Golden DNA strands in front of me. Then she said that this is for me, towards the work that I have been doing, a gift offering by a Goddess! She showed me these DNA strands would be my upgrade. I felt so honored to experience this Goddess Laksmi.
As we heal and activate, we can hold more and more light. And this Goddess Activations™ by Radhaa is truly one of those precious gifts from the Divine.
Radhaa's voice came in and out. I drifted into another realm. Then Goddess Laksmi started to tell me about the many projects I am to create. As Radhaa spoke, I continued to go in and out again, sometimes hearing her voice and other times fading away. I felt like I was floating into a vast space, a trance-like state of being, which I often go into, not new to me.
Being a healer, Goddess Lakshmi explained that there are so many people who need my assistance at this time. Goddess Laksmi was downpouring her unconditional love, explaining further that we as humanity are going through this passage, from dark to light. And the work that I do as a Lemurian Code Healer is very intense and can sometimes be heavy. And as a matter of fact, this is all true. I have encountered much heavy energy that I have held for my clients to assist them in their journey of upgrading their DNA.
This advanced DNA upgrade that Goddess Laksmi gifted me is truly aligned with the work I do now as a Shaman Healer. Her grace guided me on a step by step divine plan of what will be on my plate and how exactly to manifest this work. I was surprised how much the Goddess wanted me to do, I felt it was a long list, but it made perfect sense to where my goals are heading. Goddess Lakshmi mentioned that, for the moment, I am working on the hardest projects, but it would lead to a whole lot more lightness and joy.
I started to see the gold coins coming down like waterfalls. It was blissful and flowing energy through the projects I am working on. I then saw Magenta orbs of light floating around me, very peaceful. Lakshmi showed me that these were the original mystical orbs from Lemuria. The guardians of this sacred land that still exist. Lakshmi placed one of these orbs in my heart chakra. I felt a wave of gratitude and remembrance of the landscape of ancient times during Lemuria. A light and colorful landscape that felt like a higher octave. As if mother earth was truly vibrating at a higher frequency. It felt easy. Beautiful.
Then I had visions about myself in Lemuria. In a total state of abundance. The original abundance enchanted Paradise. It was like watching a virtual realm, but it felt so real. Lakshmi was connecting me back to a part of myself that is eternally abundant. She said that later I would be sharing this teaching with others. I felt like her presence was filling up my cup. Soon, Goddess started to show me the flying dolphins. Yes, they had magnificent, iridescent, and translucent wings! Then I was shown Unicorns. They came into my space and soon started to communicate with me. At that moment, I was in and out of a lucid state. When the Unicorns started communicating with me, they repeated their message three times! Over and over again, they would say something. "Remember Who You Are. Remember Who You Are. Remember Who You ARE." It made me laugh out loud! They made so much sense, but they were hilarious and full of this bubbly, light energy that tickled my heart.
Goddess Lakshmi continued to share with me that these Unicorns were once part of Lemuria. And that they exist. They have moved into the higher realms, as most magical and mystical beings have to preserve themselves as the world continues to degenerate in consciousness. Goddess Lakshmi instructed me never to forget them, that they are a part of Lemuria's family, and she added that I am a keeper of Unicorn energy and essence. This would be a part of my sacred work. I chuckled because I had forgotten them for some time now. But when my kids were little, I had gotten Unicorns for them. So many years have passed, and Unicorn energy is coming back into my life. It made me feel light in contrast to the intense shamanic work I do. I have dealt with addicts, life and death, suicidal clients, so many people with heavy baggage and much intensity. The issues are not light. Some clients have told me that I am their very last hope. At times, it's a lot of pressure, and I hold the container of my work very seriously and with a great deal of love and compassion. I've never judged any of my clients, and I never will. That is not my work. But working with their heavy karma can be taxing on my body.
As you know, Shamans transmute so much into their vessels to assist others in transmuting darkness to light. Many Shamans sacrifice their lives in this work of helping others through the darkness to get back to the light. I love my work. I love my clients. But I admit that it's like lifting heavy weights, and with so many people counting on me to assist them on their journey, I am both honored and exhausted at times. I am reminded of the lightness of being. I am reminded of the original template and lightness of our pure Spirit. Goddess Lakshmi showed me what is installed in the future. And that is lightness into my heart and my being, the lightness flows.
This is no complaint. When Spirit asked me to step into this work, I said YES to Spirit! So, as you can see, to receive this Goddess Activation from Radhaa is like going to a high-end Spa for the Soul. Massages, Pampered, and Rejuvenated. This experience has lit up my Soul. I am so grateful to experience Radhaa's Goddess Activation work. It is something that has permanently enhanced me and an experience I will always cherish, especially with Goddess Lakshmi lighting the way.
My healing session with Radhaa was great! It knew from the moment I met with Radhaa that it was going to be an enjoyable experience. We first sat down and talked about what I wanted to be getting /expecting from the healing session. Radhaa's calm and collective demeanor made me feel very at ease, and I thought that I could talk to her about anything. The meeting began with me lying down and relaxing. At the same time, Radhaa placed some crystals and stones on my body at various points (my Charka's), and she sat down near me and sent healing energy in my direction while verbalizing what she was doing. After a few minutes of this, I started to feel a significant surge of energy flowing through my body. It was a warm and happy feeling with a sense of cleansing to it. As the session continued, I released more and more negative energy from my body, some of which I didn't even know was there. It was a very uplifting experience. After the session and for the next few days, I felt a constant sense of Euphoria and a better sense of connection to my higher self. I highly recommend a healing session with Radhaa. Whether there is something specific you want to work on or just a general healing session for a better, happy, and more productive life.
I found Radhaa's Energy healing to be full of compassion and guided insightfulness. At times, I felt magnetic, attracting specific positive energies while having negativity removed. Radhaa conducted spiritual channeling, which helped me find more peace and Love within myself. I gained incredible self-awareness and realized that certain inner toxins need to be forever gone to live within my heart fully. I recommend this therapy to everyone.
Radhaa, I want to Thank you SO much for your healing session. It helped cut the ties on a relationship that was very unhealthy for me. Even though I had broken it off, I couldn't move on and was consumed with sadness and very afraid of being alone. Since our session, I have been able to see and react to that relationship much more objectively. I have also never felt so keen on my own. You have given me a stronger sense of contentment and hope for Love in the future. Peace and Love.
Taking the time to heal with Radhaa at Goddess Code Academy is like building your temple, where your body, mind, emotions & spirit reside. I have been blessed with great luck in life & financial abundance, yet I had this nagging feeling of emptiness inside. After working with Radhaa, my once restless mind and heart are now open to appreciating and knowing how it feels to live my life with gratitude.
This work with Radhaa allowed me to reclaim and align to my feminine power in amazing ways I wasn’t even aware of. Your deep insight and multi-dimensional approach cleared out outdated soul contracts, giving me permission to lovingly choose myself over the limiting relationship patterns that were keeping me stuck. Thank you Radhaa!