This Half Day Intensive Program is for those committed to deep Soul Healing. This multidimensional Shamanic Journey allows you to access your past, present, and future lifetimes through infinite Cosmic Records. This powerful modality by Maya the Shaman allows karmic clearing of lifetimes, upon lifetimes of stuck and heavy energy that has been holding you back in ways you may not even be aware of. This Half Day Program allows you to reverse the negative timelines and stuck energy imprints waiting to be RELEASED. My clients have told me that these sessions have positively affected many areas of their lives, from love, career, creativity, and abundance.
One you will never forget.
We will remove the karmic webs. It's time to get unstuck! This Soul Medicine Intensive is for you if you are going through major life changes.
NOW is the time to have a QUANTUM leap. Let's do a RESET on a Soul Level.
It is time to Release Karmic Limitations which have held you, for lifetimes.
Some of the deep core issues my clients choose to address and release in this Soul Medicine are the following:
Toxic relationships
Karmic Looping
Sexual Abuse, Shame, Humiliation
Trauma, and PTSD in your nervous system
Addictions and negative Programming
Heartache, Hopelessness, Depression
Betrayal, Abandonment
Low Self Esteem, Self-Doubt, Insecurities
Unaligned Jobs, Co-dependency
Fears, Phobias, Confusion
Unresolved Past Life Issues that bleed into this life
Negative cords and attachments to people or situations
Clear vow oaths and commitments, curses, and spells
Removal of entities, demons, and Jezebel spirit
Release lineage pain patterns 7 generations and beyond
Remove dark energy mass ( black goo) from body and mind that distort consciousness
Feeling Stuck, Blockages or Stagnancy
Release feelings of Failure, Frustration, and Fear of Conflict

There is so much to look forward to on this journey!
In this Soul Medicine half-day journey, you will lighten your mind from old baggage and beliefs that keep your vibration low.
Let's Free up your pain body and Activate your LIGHT BODY, so you can assimilate more Cosmic Light. Blessings are lingering in your energetic field just waiting to be received. The problem is, many are unable to be open enough to receive what's meant for them. I am fully trained to help you with that. We will remove projections, programs, beliefs, toxic energies, that may block your Blessings. I am here to assist you, judgment-free, in a loving space. I lead from my own experience because I too have had to face much adversity through this long journey. I had to overcome so much darkness in my life and there is NO SHAME in facing it. There is no self-judgment. It takes great courage to walk this path. I chose to face every demon and all the darkness that came to me. As I faced these challenges head-on through Healing, I became stronger than I could have ever imagined. I know you can do the same. Because, if you only knew my life story you may be in disbelief at how I transformed my life into the creative, abundant, and spiritually awakened me. I have changed. Not by chance. Not even close. But by being diligent in my devotion to HEAL myself.
I've taken years of Healing Programs, Certification Courses, Teachers Training, and experienced hundreds of Healers myself. I had this burning desire to find the best healer in the world until I got so much training and become one myself. I put my money where my mouth is and spent over six figures along the way. I don't regret spending a penny because it brought me here today, to be in harmony with my own being. To me, that is priceless.
And now, I am here to serve you on your Healing Journey.
Let me help you activate your SOUL BLUEPRINT, so you can become re-aligned to your higher self, your Mission, and your true divine plan. When you commit to yourself on this level, you know you will get results. My clients have told me, this healing experience was equivalent to the YEARS of therapy. That is because we are not just talking about problems. We are actually very solution-oriented. As one client told me afterward, she felt a certain kind of "Newness in her Soul." Something she had never experienced, but that she had been searching for her whole life.
And I am here to help you too.

This is a whole day event. You must clear your entire day, before the session and after. Some women choose to take time out for this whole experience. I've had clients rent a beautiful room at hotel for this entire experience. This is no ordinary Coaching or Healing Day. It is a POWERFUL, LIFE TRANSFORMING SOUL MEDICINE INITIATION.
I take this work, and this sacredness very seriously as a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY.
Spirit has asked me to undertake this sacred Mission for those who are READY to ACCELERATE.

I come from a lineage of Shamans. I’ve been well trained in over a dozen healing modalities as well as being a certified advanced Teacher. I feel confident in my abilities to assist you in this Soul Medicine Intensive. You will need to put aside 5 hours for this Shamanic Journey.

Before we even start, I will send you a letter on how to prepare for this journey. The day we meet, we start with 1 hour deep dive. I open the Soul Medicine Shamanic Ceremony with a Prayer. In this safe and sacred space, You will address your deepest issues. As you are talking, I start clearing your field. I have many advanced healing tools I use. Your heart will start opening up. Using my Heart Chakra Healing modality, Layers gently peel away. Heart walls dissolve that have been blocking your Blessings. We enter the Infinite Cosmic Records. In this space, all timelines are accessible. Negative timelines and events are accessed. I get visions, and as I do, I let you know what I see. The first hour is deep, profound processing. Clients have told me that they felt it was years of therapy in one hour. After an hour, it’s time for you to integrate before we enter the second phase. This is a time where you will gather your thoughts and feelings, Allowing the Power of processing to take place.

Then we meet for the second phase.
The second phase will consist of increasing your field with high vibrational sacred downloads. This is where I go in, and download what it is that you’ve been waiting for. To know “how it feels” to Receive Divine Blessings, NOW. After we complete the second phase, You will be given another time to Integrate, Self-Soothe, Nourish, and Refresh. We will call upon your Galactic Guides, Ancestors, or your Higher Self. With their help, much clearing will take place.

Finally we will activate your Divine Gifts, your Soul Blueprint, Your Cosmic Code template. Everything will come in the order it is to be. It’s based on intuitive knowing and what is most relevant to your Soul’s needs. We will take a half-hour break and I will request you take some time to integrate before we enter the second half of this journey.
This is a HIGH TOUCH EXPERIENCE, unlike anything, you’ve done before. It’s my Honor to Serve You.
This a safe and confidential session. Many of my clients are public figures and these sessions are conducted with deep respect. I have my clients sign a confidentiality agreement. Sessions are conducted via zoom. When you purchase your session I will forward you my appointment scheduler with dates and times of earliest availability. Once you have chosen a time, call details will be sent to you. This Half-Day Virtual Retreat is a life-changing experience.