Welcome to my World!
Hey Beautiful Soul, my name is Radhaa-:)
I am named after the Goddess of Love and Devotion, consort of Lord Krsna named Radha. I'm a multicultural woman, an infusion of East meets West. My passion is in storytelling, resurrecting the Goddess, and being a multi-media artist. I am also an author, filmmaker, and I show my clients how to activate their own inner Creatress.
I am the Founder and Teacher of Goddess Code Academy: A Mystical School for the Divine Feminine. Here, you will find many of my offerings to assist you on your Healing Journey. I specialize in Goddess Activations™, my original healing modality. These have been highly requested in my Sessions by women across the world. Sharing Goddess Activations™ empowers the feminine towards their transformation.
My Academy offers Coaching and Healing Certification Training Programs. I also offer VIP Coaching and Healing Programs for those that desire private high-touch mentorship. You can also find my A La Carte sessions, where you can choose any session from it. I have been professionally trained and certified as a Coach, Instructor and Healer in over a dozen healing modalities. It is my passion to share Healing with our world.
My background is also in the entertainment industry. I started as a Model in Los Angeles while taking the Producers Program at UCLA. I got an opportunity to be an assistant Producer at Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood. I became so good at Producing that I had many offers coming at me. But, at the same time, I also encountered Hollywood's toxic culture. Not wanting to play "that game," I decided to turn my back from that industry. I focused on my creative projects.
This led me to write, direct, and produce my own Indie Films. I received the Best Director award for my first feature, and my leading Actor recieved the Best Actor award. The second film I Produced and acted in recieved high merits. Just about everyone won on my team. It was a wonderful experience knowing my projects could take a life of its own. It empowered not just myself but everyone I worked with.
I believe in the power of storytelling. It's woven throughout my work. In telling stories, we heal. It's the thread that helps us understand each other, our lineages, our struggles, and our breakthroughs. My storytelling passion led me to become the best selling author. This inspired me to curate an ongoing series of books called Awakening Starseeds with authors all over the world through Radhaa Publishing House. Who knows, maybe you want to contribute to the next book.
I've been told that my Superpower is Empowerment. People who work with me always say they come away feeling more confident than they did before. I am an Activator and an Alchemist. From Coaching, Healing, Teaching, or Storytelling, I can help bring out the best in You too. Thanks for getting to know me, and I look forward to working with you!