/ / / Quan Yin Goddess Activations

Quan Yin Goddess Activations


single book

Goddess Quan Yin is an Ancient and Beloved Goddess from the East. As an Ascended Master who is unconditionally loving and compassionate, her only goal is to help liberate humanity. Quan Yin is a member of the board of karma and can assist in releasing one from the karmic wheel of suffering. Quan Yin Goddess Activations™ Healing Workbook is content rich and provides a step by step guide to invoke her blessings. It is designed to help release negative beliefs or energy so you can live a life filled with more love, peace, joy, and ease. Invoke Goddess Quan Yin in all her blessings through the sacred techniques in this workbook, an essential guide towards your transformation. This workbook complements and enhances any spiritual practice.

Product Description


Goddess Quan Yin is an Ancient and Beloved Goddess from the East. As an Ascended Master who is unconditionally loving and compassionate, her only goal is to help liberate humanity. Quan Yin is a member of the board of karma and can assist in releasing one from the karmic wheel of suffering. Quan Yin Goddess Activations™ Healing Workbook is content rich and provides a step by step guide to invoke her blessings. It is designed to help release negative beliefs or energy so you can live a life filled with more love, peace, joy, and ease. Invoke Goddess Quan Yin in all her blessings through the sacred techniques in this workbook, an essential guide towards your transformation. This workbook complements and enhances any spiritual practice.


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248 pages