Interview from "Writers and Authors"
Tell your readers a little story about yourself.
I wear many hats in this life. From being a mother and wife to artist & CEO Founder of Herbalaria, an Ancestral roots family company connecting the community to Indigenous traditions through the art of Filipino plant and energy medicine. I love what I do. Being a traditional healer and spiritual medium is a great responsibility. I help give direction and guidance for the clients to have positive experiences and peace of mind.
My parents and grandparents were my first teachers who have helped me become who I am today. I was raised with a strong sense of spirituality, and it taught me to face the unknown and unseen without fear. I’ve taken risks along the way and learned that good things happen by creating a life aligned with my Highest Purpose. Support from the Universe shows up everywhere and in many ways with fewer obstacles.
I continuously seek to live an empowered presence as I evolve, making it a priority to grow personally and spiritually. It gives me great honor to serve all beings, the Ancestors, Mother Earth, and all our Cosmic Kindred.
Tell your readers briefly about your written story in Awakening Starseeds, Volume 2.
My story is about my family and how each one of them is a star being crystal. They make up a powerful star grid of light, healing, protection, and Ancestral connection in our home town of East Hollywood.
What inspired you to co-author, write, and contribute to this collaborative book series of Awakening Starseeds at Radhaa Publishing House?
I felt that it was a place to write freely about another part of my life that may not be an exact fit on any other platform. Being a Starseed is not exactly mainstream or well-understood by all audiences. By co-authoring and contributing to this collaborative book series, I feel that I am part of a cosmic community of extraordinary individuals. It feels good to express myself in such an out-of-this-world way.
How did Radhaa Publishing House help you? What was the process?
Radhaa Publishing House has helped me feel comfortable to be who I am. Radhaa assisted me in bringing to clarity what I wanted to communicate, continuously encouraging me and being a source of support. She helped me refine the bigger picture of my story.
How supported did you feel through this creative and collaborative process? What was the best part of this whole experience?
I felt very supported and am grateful to Radhaa Publishing House for their patience with me in completing the task of transcribing my thoughts. The best part of the whole experience was seeing my story in a book and becoming more confident in my writing.
What was your overall feeling throughout the whole process of working with Radhaa Publishing House? What stood out the most?
I felt that the whole process was beautiful and understanding the struggles it takes to write, especially during Covid and quarantining. It has not been easy to commit time to compose my story to feel comfortable in sharing. What stood out the most to me is the high level of integrity and passion Radhaa Publishing House has to ensure that each author is given opportunities to shine.
Everyone has life lessons to learn. What are a few that made you the person you are today?
Two lessons that I learned are, to be honest and to never be afraid. These lessons are the running thread in everything I do. I stand in power as my authentic self, with no fear. I speak my mind and heart, knowing that my honesty and integrity are one of the best things I can offer to anyone.
What would you tell anyone who might be interested in writing for Radhaa Publishing House?
I would tell them to make it happen. Starseeds are masters of manifestation. Manifest your dreams of being an author and be part of a growing community.
What have you gotten out of the experience?
I realized I have so much more to tell, and I know Radhaa Publishing will be there when I am ready to publish my next Starseed story.
Lastly, where can readers find you?
Social Media Links
Instagram: @iamherbalaria
Fb: @iamherbalaria
Twitter: @IamHerbalaria

How can readers be part of Awakening Starseeds Series
Contact: Radhaa Publishing House