Interview from "Writers and Authors"

Lalitah is a transformation healer, traveller and life artist.  She was born in Denmark and lives in Turkey at the moment. Guided by her meditation in everything she does, her higher voice took charge. She is connected to the field of all that is and from that she help clear traumas not only for herself, but on a collective level. She didn’t choose this path herself, she was called into it by something larger than her. The pull became clearer when she started getting buzzing in her hands and this strong sense of energy taking over. She began to experiment with it and eventually got trainings in different healing modalities. Lalitah spoke with flowers and invisible animals in her grandmother’s garden as a child and have always had access to other realms. She tried for a while to fit into the game of the society by getting her education, worked in the public system and corporate world, but it was a mismatch. She quit and started her own path in life with creativity, high energy healing, heart based living with her soul mate. She supports others in following their truth and continues to create the spiritual life that guided her and her love life.

What inspired you to be a co-author, to write and contribute to this collaborative book series of Awakening Starseeds at Radhaa Publishing House? 

I got inspired when I saw the call for authors for the third time in a very short time. A Facebook friend had already taken the step to participate. For a long time I have had a calling to write book(s) – What really inspired me to participate in Starseeds Awakening was that is a book collaboration and we are starseeds from all over the world, telling our stories of awakening. I got a vision that together we will create a grid of light across the earth with these stories and touch many more lives who also will recognize their own light and awakening. 

Please explain your process and your mindset on how you wrote your story. How did Radhaa Publishing House support you through the process? 

As soon as I had committed and said a total YES to participate in the book, I had a divine download guiding me every word of my chapter. My chapter was written within a few hours. Since I had never had anything published before I was uncertain of the quality of what I had written, I had a beautiful talk and shared it with Radhaa. I read her my chapter. Radhaa was very pleased with it, so I sent it for publishing. Radhaa Publishing House offered coaching and were available to answer questions as I needed. I didn’t manage to participate in the live coaching sessions myself though. We all got offered two exclusive podcast interviews. We got much more publicity than I could have imagined including other connections for interviews. I have never had so many interviews in my life and for me that was very supportive and also a breakthrough in being more visible. 

Visibility was a big piece of me coming out of the spiritual closet and I felt that Radhaa Publishing House holds a high energy and integrity level. Both of which are important for lightworkers and starseeds and our message. The curators are all Starseeds themselves and Radhaa Publishing House created this wonderful opportunity for many others to see. I felt that they put their whole heart into making this happen even before, during and after. It was a project that was totally supportive in nature that made me feel safe to share myself and my story.

What was the best part of this whole experience? 

The best part of the process was for me to experience that my story inspired many people when it came out. It was all so easy and I loved the interviews I had with Radhaa and Mike. That created such a good energy and connection. I decided to just trust the whole process and leaned into it and it seems to work really well

Tell your readers briefly about your written story. 

My chapter in Starseeds Awakening is about how I was called to be a healer through the unusual buzzing in my hands and I then started seeing my truth and followed my path with the help of the higher guidance. I spoke about my relationship break up which lead me through  a lonely time of deep inner change and then lead me to create my own business, travelled to India and met my beloved soul mate.  

What was your overall feeling throughout the whole process?

My overall feeling has been to jump into an adventure and let it take me to what it wants to create. I feel proud of all of us and not the least Radhaa who had a vision and made it come through by gathering people around the world, (whom she didn ́t know each one at that time), but she stood for this project. I feel we are creating a new united path and there is a higher purpose in this book series in our participation in it.   

How does it feel to have success as a Best Selling Author? 

It feels great, I don’t think I have understood it really yet – I need to embody it more  

Everyone has life lessons to learn, tell your readers one or two of yours and how they make you the person you are today?

My piece of advice is to trust your inner guidance. Really! And if you can ́t fully distinguish it or if you feel insecure about it, get help to get clarity and find your inner voice/intuition/higher guidance. It will make everything more complete and satisfying – and you can follow your soul path consciously.

What would you tell anyone who might be interested in writing for Radhaa Publishing House?

I would say if you are a lightworker, starseed, earth healer, galactic goddess, you name it, and want to be a part of a collaborative book, tell your stories and perhaps this will jump start your writing career. This is an amazing opportunity and there is a lot of support from the universe behind this. So go for it and get started. I already had two people who contacted me wanting to get to know more about how to be a writer, one might just pursue her dream to follow her calling!  


Contact: Radhaa Publishing House