Interview from "Writers and Authors"
Tell your readers a little about yourself where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school, etc. Let them get to know the person you.
I grew up in a small country town called Boring, Oregon. My family moved to Utah in my teens, and in my twenties, I returned to the Portland area, where I called it home for most of the past 20 years. I have traveled all over Asia and SE Asia as well as gypsy-life all over the west coast, especially the past 5-8 years with my two young boys. Currently, we reside back in Salt Lake near my family. I have attended many schools of natural medicine, learning about herbs, essential oils, acupressure, yoga, meditation, eastern mysticism, psychology, quantum mechanics, alchemy, and more. I am currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program at Quantum University to pursue a Doctorate in Natural Medicine to continue to support my Empowerment education worldwide.
What inspired you to be a co-author, to write and contribute to this collaborative book Awakening Starseeds?
I have published many books on Consciousness, empowerment subjects, and relationships, but I had never revealed raw, real stories of my life as was the opportunity with Awakening Starseeds. I wanted to join other authors writing personal stories, and Radhaa Publishing made it simple and empowering to share from the heart in a real, raw way. I was ready to reveal more of my back-story to this empowerment journey, and I am so excited to be on this team of conscious, awesome starseeds encouraging a revolution of awakening worldwide!
Where did you get the inspiration for your writing? Please explain your process and your mindset and if you felt supported through the process?
I wanted to tell you about me. My story. What rocked my world and shattered my personal life illusions what brought me to this story of empowerment now. I looked back in my life and found that moment that I felt “it all started,” and I went with that. Even though I know, I have had dozens (if not hundreds) of awakening moments since I wanted to start with the first one that changed my life significantly and sent me on a new road – the hard and lonely road of finding my true self. Radhaa Publishing House guided me and helped me reach in and see “the story” hiding within and behind the words. They helped me trust my truth and speak to the seed that brought my life of awakening to pass. Maya the Shaman, worked with me to take me deep, and I had many moments of tears as I peeled back the layers. I rewrote the story numerous times before I got to the version that was published. I was forever changed from the experience of publishing with Radhaa Publishing House. As we got to hear one another and inspire one another along the way, the group dynamic was super supportive and truly inspiring.
How supported did you feel through this creative and collaborative process?
The best part of the whole thing, I loved it all. From the moment we began working together, I felt a team-feeling, a family. I felt included in a project bigger than me, but that included me. I loved the healing sessions, and the feedback, the brother and sisterhood in the group of writers, and Radhaa is amazingly supportive and guides this whole process with heart. As does Mike and Maya. A true one-of-a-kind experience. As an author for many years, I have never experienced anything like this, it is coaching plus publishing. They believe in you, and they want to see you speak your deepest, most profound truth.
Tell your readers briefly about your story. This would be like a 30-second elevator pitch to someone you know or meet.
I grew up Mormon. I had a limited understanding of life and relationship as a youth. My awakening journey shattered my beliefs about life and love and led me on the adventure of a lifetime where I explored every facet of being in a relationship until I came back home to the heart of my true self. The process of unwinding was incredibly painful as I faced every illusion, and every belief I was ever told. But in the end, I found love for myself and others to a degree I never believed possible, and I have become a teacher in internal alchemy, kundalini life-force management, and relationships as a result, which is truly inspiring and honoring.
Did you feel that you could speak freely with your truth in your chapter?
I just wanted to speak about it! I was excited, and the feeling was a deep soul relief for having a place to talk about this truth and be accepted for saying it just exactly as I experienced it. What stood out the most was just the clarity of purpose I felt. I just knew it was the right path, the correct alignment, more than most anything else in my life.
What do you consider your greatest success in life? What would be your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?
My greatest success, many say its their children, and I agree that my life would be incomplete without their presence. But I have to say my most significant achievement is in owning being their mom. The day I stepped into motherhood with my whole heart wasn’t until my oldest turned 12, and I realized I was letting it slip by, and I had been pushing it to the back of my most important list. Even though I knew that everything I was doing was for my kids. My most significant success was in claiming my children, and claiming my full power in being responsible for them, and helping them to blossom into their most empowered version of self.
As for failures, I don’t believe in failures – but if I had to call something a failure, that I have learned from, I’d have to say every failed relationship – which for me, has been many. Fifteen significant relationships in my life have been the most significant teachers for me to actually work on the ONE. Not being able to “keep going” with the others, despite the challenges was perhaps my most prominent teacher. I learned what not to do, what will naturally come up every time, and I know my experiences in relationships has made me better at being a partner today – even though I am still working on it. It’s an endless job of “showing up” – I believe, and believing in myself, and finding in the other – and the power of love. That is what I have learned, is the power of love – when it is going to be received, and when it isn’t.
Everyone has life lessons to learn, tell your readers one or two of yours, and how they make you the person you are today. What would be your number one piece of advice to someone?
My biggest lesson has been that I can indeed do anything I put my mind to it with my frequency signature. This is a significant gesture of self-love, to put your “frequency” and full-body into something. It means you fully show up for yourself in whatever you are deciding to do. If you want to see something real to manifest for you – go after it – don’t put it down, and eventually, life will give it to you – cause that is just how life is. But also, on that same note – you will get what you ask for – so as many says, be careful what it is that you ask for – however, even in knowing this, I still say that realizing our powers as creators of our reality is one of the most important lessons in this human form. We are creators. Don’t’ let anyone tell you differently. What we think about – we create. What we move into the direction of – we create. What we hold in our hearts – comes to be. This is power. This is the truth for good or ill. We create what we focus on.
Now that you’re a published bestselling author with Awakening Starseeds, how do you feel? How has it impacted your business, and you personally?
I was already published before, but with Radhaa Publishing House, I became a ‘seen’ author, which is different than being published. You can be published but still with no one seeing you. Radhaa Publishing House brought me out of the dark into the light. They shined a light on my life and what I am doing and who I am. That is a priceless experience. I am so honored. It has honestly changed everything for me, and it still is. I know this is only the beginning.
What would you tell anyone who might be interested in writing for Radhaa Publishing and what have you gotten out of the experience?
If you are even thinking about it, do it! Your soul is calling. You have a message to share. This is the truth. Radhaa Publishing House is like a healing journey, coaching mentor, and publishing company in one. There is absolutely nothing like it in reality. It is cutting edge and if you have a message to share (which everyone does) and even if you don’t think you are ready to share it – if it aches in you and if you feel the nudge, do it !!!! Don’t delay!! This experience WILL change your life for the empowered.

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