Goddess Activations is one of the most powerful and life changing sessions you will ever experience. This is what my clients have expressed to me over and over again. This session is dedicated to the Divine Feminine in you. The Goddess is here to assist you, support you and activate your dormant Goddess gifts that live within you. We go deep in this session, clearing lifetimes of persecution so you can step into your sacred mission.

Your human heart may have been broken repeatedly and this can cause so much pain in your being. This pain doesn't just go away on it's own. Heart Revival is a vital session to re-activate your heart to new start. In this session, you will experience getting a heart clearing that you've never experienced before. My Shamanic training allows me to enter your sacred heart where I will be able to detect wounds, energy tears, trauma, grief, anger, pain, and any unwanted emotions. Did you know that you can also inherit heart woundings? Lets clear this all out in this intensive session.
In this Shamanic Soul Retrieval Session, you will experiences pieces of your Soul return. Common symptoms of Soul loss are: dissociation, where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully engaged in life. Addictions, chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, PTSD, immune deficiency problems, and grief that does not heal. For those who have lost parts of themselves, knowingly or unknowingly, tremendous amounts of psychic energy are unconsciously spent looking for the lost parts. Let's get your Soul Fragrements back.

Womb Healing & Activation
A woman's womb is her sacred portal to the divine. When the womb is healthy and happy, a woman has the ability to create and manifest with ease. She must have clear and clean access to this sacred space in order to be in her full power. In this session, I will tune in and energetically clear out any unwanted negativities, traumas or unconscious pain that has been holding you back from experiencing joy, creativity, prosperity or personal power in your life. We also clear out cords from past lovers, abuse or anyone pulling at your life force. It's my honor to assist you in activating your wombs divine power.
Jung says: Shadow work is the path of the warrior heart. We all have a shadow aspect that lives within us. People who are disempowered project their shadows on others. Shadow Alchemy session is where you meet your Shadow in a safe and loving container. This work helps in releasing self-judgement, self-abuse, trauma, old wounds, and fears. This is a sacred journey where you meet and integrate your Shadow. If you are on your healing journey, this work is a must.

If you ever felt a call to ancient memories of Atlantis, you may have been an Atlantean Priestess. It's no surprise you're here reading this page. Before the fall of the feminine, before the witch hunts, before all the feminine traumas and suppression that took place, Atlantean Priestess exercise their feminine leadership and power. Women and especially Priestesses were highly revered, respected and honored in the height of the Atlantean civilization for their intuitive healing abilities, and magic. In this session, we will awaken your healing gifts, activate your Royal Codes and call back the magic of your Atlantean Priestess.
Lemurian Code Healing™ is an original DNA healing modality by Maya the Shaman. If you ever felt a call to Lemuria, you may have had a lifetime during its peaceful-ancient times. Descendants of Lemuria are awakening to their connection with our Earth mother. This is a time of remembering. This Session brings back your connection to something greater, more powerful, even magical. Lemurian Code Healing™ is the key to unlocking the ultimate knowing of ones ancient past. It's a bridge to the astral and spiritual realms, to one's divine inheritance. For so long, we’ve been taught to ignore, bury and reject our roots, but now is the time to wake up and remember the inner knowing of your Lemrian wisdom, healing and peace.

As you come together in a relationship, this brings up a tremendous amount of unresolved karmic energy from this and previous lifetimes. That's why, in this session, we dive deep into your relationship contracts and agreements to identify and clear karma and any limiting beliefs or programming around love or relationships. You are meant to be in an authentic, loving, caring, and sacred relationship. One where you are honored and can share your gifts. We will cover cord-clearing, energetic divorce, refreshing your self-love, and calling back your life force energy from any relationship so you can feel more whole and empowered. This session is good for all types of relationships. Let's brings you back to balance.
When twin flames comes together, they are meant to become a power house together, and inspire our world. But Twin-flame relationships can be very intense. The goal is to come together to remember how to be as one flame of love and light again. If both are not yet evolved to understand the other, it can be very difficult. You may not be able to live with your twin-flame until issues are resolved. In this session, you will learn how to evolve as twin-flames. You will learn to elevate your twin-flame connection and how to work within this connection. In this Session, you will recognize twin flame illusions, so that a more realistic and clear energetic pathways shows up towards a joyful relationship. Let's clear up twin flame: self sabotage, disconnect, old past matrix programming, runner syndrome, heal each other, and be the power of love and light in our world.

DNA activation is a sacred process. It was originally performed in sacred temples to prepare priests, priestesses, oracles, prophets and high healers for positions of power and responsibility within their community. DNA Activation is a huge acceleration step on your personal path, and can open you to profound spiritual advancement. DNA Activation will also help you to remain centered during this time of great planetary change as the human upgrade to full consciousness. It is said that humans are only using up to 3% of our DNA, according to Genetics Worldwide! The remaining 97% is said to be "junk DNA." But what if all this data wasn't junk at all, but very important information and potential yet to be discovered? DNA Activation Benefits: Strengthen your DNA, while clearing unwanted debris. Open and Activate to new and increased talents and abilities. Enjoy increased energy, clarity, focus, and reduced mind chatter and drama. Connect deeper with your own, Higher Self. Clear aspects of your family and genetic karmic patterns, up to seven generations into your past and future. Bring in and hold much more positive prana, (life force energy) into your physical body. Bring your life's purpose into alignment, and become empowered to achieve that purpose.
Many of my clients are connected to the Anglic Realm and don't even know it. Yet they feel drawn to Angels, and some have even had some angelic experiences. There are two kinds of Angels. The fallen dark Angels and the Angels of light. Many lightworkers of high frequency came down and incarnated as volunteer Earth Angels. Yet, they have been disturbed by the Fallen ones. This session offers healing, clearing and Angelic Activation. Awakens your Angelic healing powers now. In this session, you will be certified in Angelic Activations. You will receive a beautiful Angelic Activation certificate upon your completion.

This session is for the Awakening Starseeds who wish to deepen their understanding of their higher purpose and soul mission. Starseeds are volunteers from another Star System. They are heard the call that went out, asking for help specifically for Planet Earth. But when they got to 3D, first it was Amnesia, then it was blockages, negative downloads, implants, programming, trauma and so much that over-rides their Soul Blueprint. Does sound familiar? If you are a Starseed, then your life has been full of Challenges and you have overcome so much more than anyone could ever understand. You are a survivor of this distorted dimension, and now it's time to THRIVE. It's time for you to awaken to your purpose and mission here on Earth. No more sabotaging. That is a thing of the past. Let me help you clear away your trauma, programming, implants, cords, hooks and dark energy that has been attacking you. This is a quantum leap into your Starseed self. Let's bring your unique gifts online. It's your time to SHINE as the Starseed you are. You will receive a beautiful Starseed Activation Certificate after this session and will be able to Activate others as well. Now is your time!
Infinite Cosmic Records is one of the most powerful methods of accessing your Cosmic Records. When we enter Infinite Cosmic Records, we are able to access your personal Cosmic files that contain all of your lifetimes. From here, we can pull up any pertinent information to you now that can serve to heal and-guide you. We can review why certain issues are coming up and karmic relationships and what you need to learn. This is an an original modality by (www.LemurianCodeHealing.com ) to bring you back to your own knowledge of seeing your relationship with the divine as cosmic being. In this Session, you will be opening spaces within you that you desire to rediscover and finally heal from a deep soul level. Results will come with clarity, understanding of your connection to the source of infinite realm. Infinite Cosmic Records holds your lifetimes and lifetimes of experiences with people and places. During this session, you will be able to bring back past lives that you wish to clear, karma you wish to understand and places where you have been in other lifetimes. This is truly your soul journey to rediscover anything you desire to see for yourself.

Manifesting goddess
Manifestation is the ability to create a reality in the physical, external world that matches your soul’s true desires. Simply put, this means that you hold the key to making all of your dreams into a waking reality, if you choose to. Radhaa will help you step into optimal alignment, develop a sense of unconditional self love and hold the unwavering belief that you are truly worthy of your dream reality. She will assist you in examining + shifting your limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that are blocking you from being in your highest energetic, magnetic flow. This session is a deeper dive into Clarity in your Desires as I ask question to get to your why. This is rapid fire process of moving into your deepest truth. Then we move into pulling up beliefs and blockages that may be holding you back. You will consider this prior to session in a questionnaire so I can simply start clearing using one or a few of my healing techniques to clear and release from all timelines and your lineage. Then, we move into Activating you Manifestations. Watering your desires with diving healing. Your guides will most likely pop into assist this process, It is a powerful process that is also fun. Let's design and manifest you divine desires.