Deep, Embodied Soul Work.
That's where the Shift begins.
Imagine having a world-class Coach and Master Healer at your fingertips to accelerate your life and biz. In this Program we clear out distorted or outdated beliefs or blockages. Yes, FULL ON EMPRESS SUPPORT! I set you up with tools to deeply support you at the start of each month. The shifts you make in the Empress Embodiment program are MASSIVE. And trust me, resistance comes up. Oh Yes, Sister. As old issues, shadows or fears arise, and they will. Know and trust you will be so supported in every step of this journey. With me by your side, You DO NOT have to do this alone. Every Successful person has another Successful person behind the scenes supporting them. High Level, High Touch Support is the secret sauce to Success. Besides our High-Voltage One to One Sessions, you get access to clearings with the ease of texting me.
I only take a few clients in this program. Because I am holding massive space for your next level of transformation. The Empress Embodiment is the next level of YOU that must be Birthed. You are set up for success. That's right. This is a custom-created Coaching and Healing intensive made just for you. The up-leveling you will experience in this program is filled with velocity.
What would it look like to be supported in a way you've never been supported in your life before? This work is intuitive and very strategic. This is about re-coding your beliefs, your DNA, your energetic field in a way you may have never experienced before. We are re-coding your consciousness for Success.
If you are one of those creatives that want feedback on your projects, writing, copy, or business ideas, you can pick my brain. Yep. We can work on YOUR Soul Purpose to make sure everything you are doing is aligned with your highest truth. Let's ACTIVATE YOUR DHARMA.
A lot of my clients who are high powered executives, feel the call to explore other hidden gifts that have been lying dormant. They have an inkling and they feel their inner call. They need support and they call me. No whims about it. Because high caliber clients are used to calling the shots, it's an easy 'YES' for them. And they know it takes another high-caliber Coach and Healer to assist them. They are nothing less than Grateful that they followed their Soul calling to work with me. Some of them are ready for a career shift, and I've even helped them curate their own Soul Signature Offerings. This led them to Success. Aligned with their Soul, they find joy and fulfillment. They end up making more money doing what they actually love. If you are also feeling a need for creative feedback in any of your projects, I am known to help geniuses succeed in their visions.
I am a visionary and I help visionaries to get clear, confident, and make their next level dreams come true. Some of my past clients include Oscar Nominated Creatives, authors, screenwriters, actors, lawyers, producers, directors, teachers, healers, world-class artists, and intensive investors.
I am confident I can assist you in achieving the next level of YOUR Dream.

The Dali Lama said: "The world would be saved by the Western Woman."
And I am here to support you in doing just that.
Some women come to me after working with high-performance 'elite' coaches. Yet left with feelings of more stress, panic attacks, insomnia, or relationships that are falling apart. Most elite coaches promote the masculine model of DO to BE. But the feminine was never meant to follow the masculine model of Success.
And that's where I come in.
I am both intuitive and structured in my approach. Nothing we do will be cookie cutter. Part of the Empress Embodiment Program is activating your specific Soul Blueprint which we use to guide You. We also connect to the Goddess realm for serious support. In order to Activate your Empress Code, and Embody her majesty, we enroll a specific Goddess to work with you on this journey. You will experience a Goddess Activation session that will profoundly change your feelings about yourself and your life.
Here's an Empress Client who felt the Power of the Goddess:
"After Goddess Pele spoke through Radhaa, I felt her fire within me with a sense of security and protection which I had not felt before. I understand that the only way I can bring the five-year-old me justice is by being the voice of good for those who needed it. Justice and integrity have always been a core value in my life. For me, it's not just about winning the case as an attorney; it's about providing justice to those who need it. Goddess Pele help me find the spark in myself that at times is so easy to lose sight of, not only for my own trauma but also for the line of work I have as a family law practitioner and defense attorney."
- Hilda, Defense Attorney, Los Angeles, California
I believe you can be Successful, Create Impact, and still be Aligned with your Inner Being.
In the work we do together, we connect you with your inner Empress Archetype. I am here to help awaken the Empress within You. She will lead you back to your true self. She will connect you to the voice of your Soul. She awakens the Genius that lives within You. Your Powerful Heart nudges you to Speak your Truth and share your gifts with the World. We work on your internal wealth, which, more often than not, means that you are going to be manifesting more money in the process. Securing your self-confidence makes you magnetic, therefore as a natural byproduct of you shifting your inner realm, you will attract your desired reality.

I will guide you through a deep healing and empowerment journey.
Here's what you will receive in your Sessions:
High Touch VIP Coaching: Clearing & Healing
Soul Blueprint Activation & Alignment
Your Soul Signature Offerings or Refine Your work together
Personal Readings from the Infinite Cosmic Records
My Signature Goddess Activations
Advanced Theta Healing Clearing
Manifestation and Abundance Activation
Soul Fragment Retrieval
Lineage Clearing
Shadow Work Alchemy
Lemurian Code Healing Power Downloads
Golden DNA Activations
High Powered Alignment Soul Star Sessions
Past Life Healing and Regressions
Quantum Healing and Clearing
Sacred Heart Chakra Revival
Additionally You will Receive tangible Tools:
A Custom Curated Plan of Action for Each Month
A Custom Meditations Recorded just for You
6 x Custom Affirmations Recorded just for You
3 x Recorded Transmissions just for You
6 x Custom Akashic Record Clearing for You
Monthly Mudras to work with Daily
Prayers for Manifesting
Prayers for Forgiveness
Prayers for Protection
Rituals to Get You Focused
Rituals to Manifest
Receive a signed copy of Galactic Goddess Book
by Radhaa to Inspire You in this Journey
Here’s what another Healer says about our Session:
“I have been a Healer for two decades now. I work with highly intense clients. Some of those who have lost complete hope. And some of those who have been to rehab, others who have tried everything with no luck. They often tell me, I am their last resort. For all the years I’ve given my life to this sacred shamanic work, I too needed to refresh. As you know, authentic Shamans are like sponges, and I too need recharging because I take my work very seriously and want to serve my clients at my best. I came to Radhaa to reboot my own system. I was ready to get light-hearted and playful again in my work. I really love helping people and seeing their lives change for the better. I felt totally Rejuvenated after working with her. If you want to reboot your life, your passion, and your career, I highly recommend Radhaa as a Coach and Healer. Radhaa is a true Alchemist! A powerful, genuine, and gifted Healer! ”
- Maya The Shaman, Teacher and Shaman, Appalachian Mountains
In the process of this Six Month Program, you will experience:
Energetic Rebooting
Feeling more Whole and Complete
Heal Your Heart and Soul wounds
Upgrade your Nervous System
Learn to Trust, Relax and Play again
Align with Your Divine purpose
Experience Deep Clarity
Soulmate and Twinflame Healing
Freedom to Create from your Soul Needs
Manifest Your Dreams and Desires
Eliminate the vibration of Traumas
Experience The Power of Your Intuition
Radiate Self Confidence
I am an Alchemist.
I will teach you how to Alchemize Your Life too.
This is the next level of You. Your Leadership, and Your Legacy.
It's no coincidence you landed here. I made a specific request to the Universe to only work with my soulmate clients. And yes, you may have invested in your personal and spiritual development already. Yet, what you are seeking is an experience that will take you straight to the path of your Soul's Success. Let's get to the very core of your being. It's time to walk the path of your Destiny. One less crowded and more perfectly designed for you. This program is about Designing your LIFE the way it's meant to be. This is about Activating your Empress Code. The one that's been dormant inside of you. You felt the spark, but it's been elusive. I am here to help you solidify your inner Empress into this reality and Beyond. Because when we come from the place of our inner Empress, we magnetically attract what's meant for us in the first place. An Empress doesn't chase. She calls in the force of the Universe. And the Universe responds abundantly. She Receives. I am an Empress Activator. The Goddesses have ordained me to awaken the Divine Feminine in all your glory. And yes sister, that is You!
What you need to understand, is that this is a major relationship for both of us. Holding sacred space for someone for six months, half a year is something I take very seriously. That is why I only choose a few clients a year. This program is for a very specific Soul Mate client who understands the importance of investing in their next level of transformation. Holding a sacred space means we are building continuous momentum towards your goals. You get access to over a decade of my own intense journey, studies, teachings, and training. There is no kidding about what you get out of this program. Everything I searched for relentlessly, all my efforts, all my investments (over six figures and counting) the years and years of developing my own technique, non-stop undivided devotion to what's culminated in this powerful program. I didn't just decide this on one day, I was gonna do this as my long term plan.
I invested and invested, learned and learned, grew and grew, re-invested, and mastered my techniques. NO KIDDING! Now, you have an opportunity to work with me in a condensed and short period of time to get THE MAXIMUM benefit of all the work I have dedicated in my life too. How's that for a deal? You are NOT paying per session. You are investing for the transformation that will come from our entire time together. This program is 30k. Tony Robbins charges an easy one million for private coaching from which you don't even get healing or clearing. You only get his Coaching! What I do is a hybrid of Coaching Plus multiple healing modalities added to the mix to create the BEST results. So, I am not gonna beat around the bush. I do not want to waste your time or waste mine. My clients understand my value. I don't haggle, I don't have sales, I know what I offer is both life-changing and priceless. And I am ready to be here for you. So if you can show up fully, let's have a conversation.
This program is about Embodying the highest and best version of Yourself. You are gonna need someone, to check you, often.
And I am here to help Remind you and Remember. This is my specialty.
You will recognize yourself as an Empress at the end of this program.
But be prepared. The work we do is deep. Transformative. Alchemizing.
And sometimes, Triggering.
We turn your experiences into Gold. Your Pain into Power. Financially flourish from your gifts.
Being a triple Pisces, I help you navigate through the depths of your being. We work through your deepest wounds and, in the process, find your most buried treasures within. Let's get to the root of it all, the places where shadows are hidden because that's where the Gold is hidden.
If we can't transmute our shadow, we can't be in our Power.
So let's do this together.