Hello Sister,
Are You ready to activate your inner Queen?
Let's Activate Your Queen Code. The one that's been dormant inside of you. You felt the spark, but it's been elusive. I am here to help you solidify your inner Queen into this reality and Beyond. Because when you come from the place of your inner Queen, you magnetically attract what's meant for you. A Queen doesn't chase. She calls in, and she Receives. I am a Divine Queen Activator. It is my honor to reawaken the Divine Feminine Queen in you. I am here to help you remember. It's my specialty. You will recognize yourself as a Queen of your reality at the end of this program. But be prepared. The work we do is deep. Transformative. Alchemizing. We turn your experiences into Gold. Your Pain into Power. We work through your deepest wounds and, in the process, find your most buried treasures in your Kingdom within. Let's get to the root of it all, the places where shadows are hidden because that's where the Queen Code is hidden.
It's time to stop playing small.
This is YOUR LIFE after all!
You are worthy and deserving of being the Queen of your reality.
So let's do this together.
I am an Alchemist.
And I will teach you how to Alchemize Your Life too.
This is the next level for You. Your Leadership and your Legacy.

"I believe there is a Sacred Warrior Queen within a woman. Nurture her, Nourish her, Support her and watch her RISE."
You came to this planet at this time for a mission. It's time for you to show up completely. No more telling yourself you are not ready or not good enough. It's time to step onto your throne. It's time to claim your Power, Presence, and Purpose. I created this program for Queens in the making. You know you have so much to offer the world, yet, you still get caught up in smallness. Locked into blocks, fears, and beliefs. Perhaps you have had many lifetimes where you have lost your crown. This is your time to claim it back. A message lives within you that are just waiting to come out.
And this is where I come in. I unlock the key to your kingdom from within.

Queen Code is a sacred 3 month
custom-curated program
I will guide you through a deep healing and empowerment journey.
Here's what you will receive in your Sessions:
High Touch VIP Coaching, Clearing & Healing
Soul Blueprint Activation Alignment
Infinite Cosmic Records Readings
My Signature Goddess Activations
Advanced Theta Healing Clearing
Manifestation and Abundance Activation
Soul Fragment Retrieval
Lineage Clearing
Shadow Work Alchemy
Past Life Healing and Regressions
Sacred Heart Chakra Revival
Additionally, You will Receive tangible Tools:
A Custom Curated Plan of Action for Each Month
Custom Meditation Recorded just for You
Custom Affirmations Recorded just for You
Monthly Mudras to work with Daily
Prayers for Manifesting
Prayers for Forgiveness
Prayers for Protection
Rituals to Get Focused
Rituals to Manifest
Receive a signed copy of Galactic Goddess Book
by Radhaa to Inspire You in this Journey
You're a Queen in the Making
I am an Alchemist.
This is the next level for You. Your Leadership and Your Legacy.
It's no coincidence you landed here. I made a specific request to the Universe to only work with my soulmate clients. And yes, you may have invested in your personal and spiritual development already. Yet, what you seek is an experience that will take you straight to your Soul's Success path. Let's get to the very core of your being. It's time to walk the path of your Destiny. One less crowded and more perfectly designed for you. This program is about Designing your LIFE the way it's meant to be. This is about Activating your Empress Code. The one that's been dormant inside of you. You felt the spark, but it's been elusive. I am here to help you solidify your inner Empress into this reality and Beyond. Because when we come from the place of our inner Queen, we magnetically attract what's meant for us in the first place. An Empress doesn't chase. She calls in the force of the Universe. And the Universe responds abundantly. She Receives. I am an Empress Activator. The Goddesses have ordained me to awaken the Divine Feminine in all your glory. And yes, sister, that is You!
You need to understand that this is a major relationship for both. Holding sacred space for someone for six months, half a year, is something I take very seriously. That is why I only choose a few clients a year. This program is for a specific Soul Mate client who understands the importance of investing in their next level of transformation. Holding a sacred space means we are building continuous momentum towards your goals. You get access to over a decade of my intense journey, studies, teachings, and training. There is no kidding about what you get out of this program. Everything I searched for relentlessly, all my efforts, all my investments ( over six figures and counting), Years and years of developing my technique, non-stop undivided devotion to what's culminated in this powerful program. I didn't just decide one day. I was going to do this. I invested and invested, learned and learned, grew and grew, re-invested and mastered my techniques. NO KIDDING! Now, you have an opportunity to work with me in a short period and get THE MAXIMUM benefit of all I have dedicated my life to. How's that for a deal. You recieve the transformation that will come from our entire time together. What I do is a hybrid of Coaching and multiple modalities of Healing. I know what I offer is both life-changing and priceless. And I am ready to be here for you. So if you can show up fully, let's have a conversation.
This program is about Embodying the highest and best version of Yourself.
You are gonna need someone, to check you, often.
And I am here to help Remind you and Remember. This is my specialty.
You will recognize yourself as an Empress at the end of this program.
But be prepared. The work we do is deep. Transformative. Alchemizing.
And sometimes, Triggering.
But I will be here with you through it all. And we turn your experiences into Gold.
Your Pain into Power. Financially flourish from your gifts.
So let's do this together.